Saturday, April 17, 2010

Max Levchin- Slide

The Company:, a site that crawls the Internet collecting bits of very specific information for people, such as news clips about celebrity gossip, shoes available at, or pictures of women on ranked "nine" and above.

Funding: Levchin kicked in $12 million of his own money, with contributions from BlueRun Ventures and other private investors.

Background Check: Levchin co-founded PayPal in 1998, eventually selling it to eBay for $1.5 billion. Both Yelp and Slide came out of a post-PayPal incubator Levchin set up in 2003.

Max is the CEO and visionary behind Slide, the largest social entertainment company in the world and developer of the most engaging applications on social networks. Max is also renowned as the co-founder of PayPal, an expert in combating online fraud and one of the hardest working entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Before starting Slide, he incubated several other start-ups, including Yelp, where he currently sits as Chairman of the Board. Max started PayPal in 1998, took the company public in 2002 and then sold it to eBay for more than $1.5 billion at the age of 26. Originally from Kiev, Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union), Max moved to Chicago at the age of 16 and later received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Max sits on the board of several other companies and trains for triathlons when he's not obsessing over Slide's business.

Max Rafael Levchin

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