Saturday, April 17, 2010

Josh Schachter -

The Company: Del.ici.ous is a Web tagging site Yahoo bought in December, 2005, for an estimated $31 million. Now Schachter runs the site from cubicle 4434 in a building on Yahoo's Santa Clara Campus. Some say Schachter sold too soon and could have been a reverse Google, sorting searches in order of what millions of people tagging sites care about, not what an algorithm determines is relevant.

Funding: Marc Andreessen of Netscape fame sent him free servers early on. He took an undisclosed amount of funding from Union Square Ventures.

Background Check: Graduated from Carnegie Mellon with a degree in electrical and computer engineering before defecting to Wall Street. Still, he loved tech, so everyday after work he wrote code for fun.

Joshua Schachter

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