Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chris McGill - Mixx

So what did you do before Mixx?
I’m a recovering Banker, still working through the 12-step process; I was General Manager of Yahoo News, Weather, Yahooligans (Yahoo Kids) and Yahoo Education; and Vice President of Strategy for USATODAY.
Can you tell us what's on YourMixx?
I have a better question: What isn’t on my Mixx? I have Popular stories and photos, Environment, tech, science, Washington DC and Election 2008. My tags are "Mixx," "Alzheimers" and "Redsox." My Groups include "Team Mixx" (private); a private group for the parents of my four year old's pre-school class, and "Web 2.0 Beyond the Terror Dome."
Assuming that you actually have some free time, what do you do with it?
I chase my children and Mixx on my Crackberry. Or was that Mixx the children and chasing the Crackberry?

Posted via email from CEO Bio's

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